Harness Racing Training
The Equine College's harness racing stable operates in Stable 3. Timo Gardemeister serves as the harness racing trainer for the Equine College.
Timo Gardemeister is the harness racing trainer at the Equine College. In addition to training activities, the harness racing stables serve as a learning environment for our students. At the Equine College, horse skills are learned by working directly with horses.
The Equine College operates across approximately 300 hectares and offers excellent training conditions for harness racing horses. Facilities include numerous training trails, a one-kilometre racetrack, and a 3.2-kilometre workout track.
Alongside trainers and students, the horses' well-being is ensured by trained and experienced grooms. Under their guidance, students learn as part of the harness racing stable team.
The training fee for the harness racing stable is €995 per month, with no additional VAT. Shoeing/trimming and basic horseshoes are included in the price.
The Equine College's wellness services at Hevosfysio are also available for horses in training. The use of the water treadmill, based on a plan prepared by the trainer, is included in the training fee.
Up-to-date information on the horses in training can be found in the Finnish Trotting Association's Heppa system.
Driving training
The Equine College offers driving training packages for horse owners of different ages. During the program, horses are trained in driving and systematically coached toward competition. Driving training is also suitable for young riding horses to support their future career as saddle horses. It supports the development of young horses.
The driving training is led by the Equine College's harness racing trainer, Timo Gardemeister, and the college's skilled stable team.
The Equine College offers excellent facilities for versatile training, making it ideal for young horses! The areas are varied and safe. The college features its own racetrack, a workout track for training, and great forest trails suitable for driving.
The training fee is €995/month, with no additional VAT. The price includes shoeing/trimming and basic horseshoes.
Horses coming for driving training do not need to bring their own equipment. All necessary driving gear is provided by the college.
By special arrangement, riding horses can also participate in free-jumping sessions during the training period.

Miia Myllymäki
Phone: +358 40 860 7631
Email: miia.myllymaki@hevosopisto.fi
Timo Gardemeister
Phone: +358 50 552 7972
Email: timo.gardemeister@hevosopisto.fi